Provider of technologies including lidar, radar, processing systems, drive-by-wire, data storage solutions systems for mobile robotics, autonomous vehicle research development, as well as engineering and integration services.
Company description:
As a UK-based business in the heart of the West of England robotics area, Level Five Supplies represents the world’s leading developers of technologies used in mobile robotics and driverless/autonomous vehicles used in research, development and finished products.
Our range of sensors, processing platforms and data storage systems are also used in surveying, security, energy, military, infrastructure and wider transport sectors including rail, maritime and road transport.
Contact us to represent your product to the UK market, or if you are seeking to develop or deploy highly automated systems, we can supply components including lidar and radar sensors, vision systems including 360′ cameras, as well as advanced AI and robotics processing and control systems.
Products: Autonomous, lidar, radar, drive by wire, driverless, autonomous, sensor, robotics, components, integration.